Spanish Phrases you will not learn in class
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A few Spanish phrases you will never learn in a Spanish class

Esta rabano tiene un sabor raro

This radish has a funny flavour

No es que tiene ambre, esa moriendo ese libro porque esta de mal humour

No, its not that she's hungry, she's biting that book because she's cross



Las rarezas de mi mujer me meten en unos lios colosales

My wife's funny little ways land me in deep trouble

Un Balconero

A cat burglar

Aqui hay gato encerrado

I smell a rat

Que se comió todos los pastels

Who ate all the pies

Una chica debe saber sacar partido de sus encantos

A clever girl should know how to make the most of her charms

Tiene un lanzallamas

Look out!  He has a flamethrower

Anoche estabamos de cachondeo

We were out on the razzle last night

No te sulfires

Don't get in a stew

No tener abuela

To blow your own trumpet

Que puestecito vas con el pantalon Nuevo

What a dandy you look in your new trousers.

Estoy hecho polvo

I'm knackered